Nov 9, 2014

Menu Plan Monday: Week of November 10, 2014

We have a really busy week planned, so I'm looking to keep dinners as easy and fast as possible. It doesn't help that Tuesday is a holiday so there's no school and the kids will be underfoot all day. It gives us a good chance to work on their school projects that are due before the Thanksgiving break, but hinders my productivity elsewhere.

So here's what I'm thinking we'll eat this week:

Monday - Dinner out {it's been a while since we've gotten the family meal at Pizza Rev, and I've got a craving}

Tuesday - Bean & Cheese Enchiladas {which are already made and in the freezer, so I just have to defrost and bake!}, Tex Mex rice, salad

Wednesday - Mac & Cheese, salad, Garlic Bread {didn't get to this last week}

Thursday - Beef Pot Pie {using leftover frozen beef}

Friday - Roast Beef Hash {using the rest of the leftover frozen beef} with Fried Eggs, some kind of veggie

Saturday - Dinner out {going to a birthday party}

Sunday - Breakfast for dinner {I'm leaning toward pancakes this week, plus we'll have bacon and/or sausage, eggs, and fruit}

See more weekly menus at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

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