Oct 23, 2014

Chief Family Officer's Favorite Things: Progressive Chop Turner

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Over ten years ago, when I first began cooking for my husband, one of the first things I learned was that he likes his ground meat to be as miniscule as possible. We have a wooden spoon that curves into a point on one side, much like this OXO Wooden Corner Spoon:

It was our utensil of choice to mash ground beef and turkey as it cooked, but the cooking process required a lot of intensive attention - time that I could (and preferred to) spend on other meal prep tasks while the meat cooked. Still, I love my husband and I want him to enjoy his food, so I did my best to get the ground meat as small as possible.

Then, one day, I received a promotional pack for some product. The box included the item I was supposed to promote {I honestly don't even remember what it was anymore}, as well as various kitchen items, including the Progressive Chop Turner:

It's really odd-looking, and I didn't know what to make of it. I'm not even sure why I decided to use it, but I'm so glad I did! More than any utensil I've ever used, it gets my ground meat down to uniformly small pieces:

ground meat using the Progressive Chop Turner

It's hard to make out each individual lump of meat because of the uniform color, but that's now how all of my ground meat comes out looking if the recipe calls for crumbling it - tiny! And the best part is that I don't need to stand over the stove while the meat is cooking. I can wander away for a few minutes to do something else, then come back, vigorously stab and turn the meat a few times, then leave again. (Yes, I get to work off some angst too!) I repeat the process for as long as it takes the meat to cook, and by then, I've accomplished quite a few other tasks around the kitchen too.

Not long after my husband and I got together, I discovered that one of my friends likes her meat the same way {I learned this because she pulled out a lunch from home one day, and I gawked at how perfectly small and uniform her ground turkey was}. So for perfectionists and picky eaters alike, I highly recommend the Progressive Chop Turner!

You can buy the Progressive Chop Turner for $7.99 at Amazon. If it's unavailable, Oxo makes its own oddly shaped chopper.

See all of Chief Family Officer's Favorite Things here.

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