However, ever since BPA in plastic became a known health issue, I've been wary of plastic. And this set is old.
So I looked around for alternatives for quite some time - I considered glass, melamine, Corelle, wood, and other materials. But they were all too expensive, raised new health concerns, or too fragile.
For a while, I was paralyzed by indecision. What was the right thing to do?

Finally, I decided on the easiest alternative: using what I already have, i.e., the lovely set of plain white bone china that we registered for when we got married. We were lucky enough to receive 12 complete place settings. Four are still in their boxes, so I actually have replacements if they are necessary. The kids are old enough now that I figured we'd just see what happens. If we end up with a series of broken plates, I'll have to buy something.
But in the meantime, I'm pleased. I've always loved my wedding china, and it makes me happy to use it every day. Plus, we saved quite a bit of money by not buying anything new. ^_^
LOVE IT! Mend and make do is my motto--but i love to find a way to work with what i've got before getting something new. (not that getting something new isn't nice...)
I can "make do" but mending is definitely not my strong suit, LOL!
We decided to do something very similar and use our white Pfaltzgraff stoneware with our 3 & 6 year olds. I love putting everything in the dishwasher (I didn't trust doing this with plastics). We've broken a couple plates (out of 16 settings), but there are still plenty.
I love using all white. It looks great and it wouldn't be hard to bring in other pieces should we need to replace some.
My kids have been good with the china (knock on wood!), so I'm probably the one most likely to break something, LOL! I'm glad you're happy - I am too :D
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