I'm so excited to welcome you to the "new" ChiefFamilyOfficer.com!
As I mentioned before, moving away from deal blogging is something I've been thinking about for a long time, although the actual decision to pivot away from it was made overnight last week. (And the quote above is why I acted on it immediately instead of waiting for, say, August 1st.)
I'm scared about making this transition, in the way that the new and unknown is scary. And of course, every writer wants to be read, so I'm more grateful than I can say to the readers who've let me know they're looking forward to checking out this new CFO.
As an Obliger, I always need outer accountability, so I'm announcing my commitment to publishing new posts on Mondays and Thursdays. (This is the schedule James Clear followed to make writing a habit. Can you tell I believe in learning from others? The Obliger label is something I learned from Gretchen Rubin.)
This Thursday, I'll share my fairly recent discovery on how to save money by buying discounted gift cards regularly. Be sure to let me know if there's a topic you'd like me to address.
The email newsletter will go out once a week or so - probably on Wednesdays, but I want to see what works best for the flow of things before I commit to a day. If you want to give the newsletter a try, you can subscribe here.
Finally, I'm going to update the site design later today ... so if the site goes down, it's because I messed something up! Please just bear with me.
And now you know what to expect around here. Again, please let me know what you think - it's very helpful. And as always, thank you for your support!
Good for you, for making the change rather than continuing on in the old path because you thought it was what we expected of you. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next. And I have always enjoyed your book reviews, so I hope you'll pepper us with a few of those. :)
Thanks so much, Beth! I'm planning a new book review in next week's newsletter :)
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