Feb 12, 2019

Easy and Delicious Chocolate Dipping Sauce (Updated Recipe)

One easy way to get your kids to eat fruit is by serving it with a chocolate dipping sauce. Of course, chocolate-dipped fruit is also a romantic dessert on Valentine's Day.

Easy & Delicious Chocolate Dipping Sauce

This recipe is an updated version of our very popular Easiest Chocolate Dipping Sauce Ever. I actually hadn't made it in a while, and I was surprised by how thin it was, although it thickens up when cooled. This version has a few extra ingredients, but they make it more delicious. My kids have been thrilled this week while I've been testing the recipe to perfect it!

If you're going to be serving this at room temperature on a cool day, I recommend adding an extra tablespoon of milk. It'll be a little thinner when warm, but will thicken to the perfect consistency when cooled. As written, the recipe also makes a fabulous glaze that will become solid (i.e., won't drip) when cooled.

Easy & Delicious Chocolate Dipping Sauce

I've provided weights as well as measurements, because I find that the easiest way to make this is to put a microwave-safe measuring cup on a scale, zero it, and weigh the ingredients out - no other measuring cups or spoons required!

Easy & Delicious Chocolate Dipping Sauce

Easy & Delicious Chocolate Dipping Sauce

3/4 cup (115 grams) chopped milk, semi-sweet and/or dark fair-trade chocolate*
2 tablespoons (30 grams) milk (whole or low-fat)
2 tablespoons (25 grams) heavy cream
1/8 teaspoon kosher salt (a "pinch")
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (a "splash")
1/2 tablespoon butter, cut into small pieces

Combine the chocolate, cream, milk and salt in a microwave-safe bowl or measuring cup. Microwave on high for 45 seconds.** Stir until the chocolate has completely melted into the cream and milk. Add the butter and vanilla and stir until sauce is smooth, then transfer to a serving bowl.

*The chocolate doesn’t have to be fair trade, but read this Baby Toolkit post to find out why it should be.

**Microwaves vary in strength. Mine is 900 watts. If yours tends to run strong, start with 30 seconds. You want the mixture to be hot enough for the chocolate and butter to melt, but not too hot.

Easy & Delicious Chocolate Dipping Sauce

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