I love how a new year brings the feeling of a clean slate, and the chance to start over.

In a recent episode of the Happier podcast, Gretchen Rubin and Elizabeth Craft discussed starting your own Happiness Project, along the lines of what Gretchen did in her book of the same name.
I'm not starting my own project, but my attention was caught by the suggestion to determine which areas of your life you could improve to boost your happiness.
I immediately thought of three things: my work, my health, and my home.
Work: While I love this site, it has stagnated as I try to figure out what I want for it. I'm not planning any huge changes, at least not right away, but for now there will be some subtle tweaks that I think you'll enjoy and that will make me happier as well.
Health: Like a lot of people, I struggle with my weight, plus I've had plantar fasciitis for years, as well as minor aches and pains. (I'm definitely no longer in my twenties ... or even my thirties!) It's time to really focus on eating healthier, cardio (see: exercise = wonder drug), and also yoga for all of its benefits. I really like Yoga with Adriene and am doing her 31-day Revolution this month.
Home: I love my home, but it's aging. There are lots of things I would like to do but aren't in the budget (especially after the full bathroom remodel we did downstairs last year). However, some serious decluttering, re-organizing, and a cleaning routine would go a long way toward boosting my happiness in this area.
I'm a big fan of Michael Hyatt when it comes to setting goals, and I actually paid for his Best Year Ever course last month to help me make 2017, well, my best year ever. The course is now closed, but he's written lots and does webinars about goal-setting. Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom and Ruth Soukup of Living Well Spending Less have also written about goal-setting, but for whatever reason, their styles don't resonate with me the way Michael's does. As with everything, the right way is the way that works for you!
What are your plans and goals for 2017? And what can I do to help you achieve them?
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