May 11, 2014

The Greatest Gift of Motherhood

Happy Mother's Day -

There are many wonderful things about being a mother, and I can hardly believe I've been a mother for nearly a decade. I don't feel ten years older than when I first gave birth. And yet, the proof is standing next me, the top of his head reaching my shoulder, his dresser covered in academic and athletic awards, and Nike Elite socks strewn across the floor.

He and his brother are amazing little men, and I feel so blessed when I think of how happy and healthy they are.

And yet, there have been many dark and difficult times, and that's when I've received the greatest gift of motherhood: Understanding of my own mother.

It was only in becoming a mother than I learned to let go of the childhood wounds I'd carried around for years. It took becoming a mother to understand that the years of misunderstandings with my own mother didn't mean she didn't love me.

And of course, I finally understood how aggravated and frustrated I made her when I pretended not to hear her call me to dinner so I could finish the chapter I was reading, when I failed to clean my room, and when I mumbled "Fine" when she asked how my day was.

So Mom, today on Mother's Day, I want to apologize for all the aggravation I put you through. I know that you love me enough to think it was worth it, and I love you even more for that. Happy Mother's Day!

And Happy Mother's Day to you if you're a mother, whether your babies are here on earth or in heaven.

Image via by 89studio.

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