Garnier Fructis Fortifying Deep Conditioner - I got this conditioner free in a bonus pack last fall as part of a money-making deal at Walgreens. (Thanks again, Mercedes!) I liked the product a lot, but wouldn't pay money for it when I'm getting all of my hair-care products for free in The Drugstore Game.
Clean & Clear Continuous Control Acne Cleanser - I used up my last bottle of ProActiv cleanser and really didn't want to pay the high price for a new one. Since the active ingredient is benzoyl peroxide, I looked for a drugstore cleanser with it as the main ingredient and found this product. It's a lot harsher than ProActiv, so it's dried my skin out a little bit, which the ProActiv never did. It also did nothing to prevent PMS-induced breakouts, which was a little worse than with ProActiv but only lasted about three days. The end verdict is that I'm sticking with this product for the price, which is less than one-third the price of ProActiv.
Head & Shoulders Intensive Solutions zinc pyrithione shampoo
Trader Joe's Chocolate Decadence cereal - This is basically a chocolate granola, and it's divine with milk or yogurt. It used to be $3.29 per box, but now it's $1.99 per box - still expensive for cereal, considering I've been buying some for less than 20 cents per box, but worth it.
Quaker Simple Harvest Chewy Multigrain Granola Bars - These are on the dry side, and not very tasty. For free, they're a fine snack, but I wouldn't pay for them.
Keebler Sandies Shortbread Cookies - When I find these on steep sale, I pick up a few packages to take to the boys' preschool. The teachers love them.
Always Infinity pads - As pads go, these are super thin with great absorption. I won't pay for them, since I can get pads for free through The Drugstore Game, but these are worth making extra trips for when they're available for free. (Click through to sign up for a free sample.)
Harry Potter:
I love Always. I remember when they first came out. I was in high school...they're still the best. I only wish they had an option that wasn't individually wrapped--I hate the waste of that piece of plastic.
Just wanted you to know that I saw the Head and SHoulder Intensive Solutions at CVS, so it is still available!
As far as acne soap, I have tried them all... Proactiv is good but the cost is too much!
On one of the blogs that I get I heard about a soap called Octagon. This stuff works great!!!! You can get it where I do at It is a laundry soap but read the reviews... I gave this to a friend who has / had bad acne, she said after one use she saw a difference and bought five bars.
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