I've been reminded of one of them during the last few days, because the weather has been in the mid-80's. The boys have heading out the door in a T-shirt, shorts, and no jacket! Sure, the warm temperatures have been accompanied by some gusty and nasty Santa Ana winds (which aggravate allergies and have actually given me a headache a couple of times). But I'll take all of that in exchange for the balmy weather, grateful that I don't live somewhere where it's below freezing without wind chill.
California's economic situation is even more dire than the nation's as a whole, but this is one reason why people live here: it can be glorious. And it's going to stay that way for another week!
Yeah, -25 this morning. That's air temp before the wind chill. definitely had me missing CA.
Wooohooo...We love the 80 degree temps. Santa Anas suck, but I will take that over the 30 degree waether we had a couple weeks ago.
We debate this constantly! All of our family is back in the frigid weather and with small kids, we'd like to be closer to them. But I don't miss the snow!! We are lucky that we have the summers off so we get outta dodge and do head East then and out of our sweltering temps.
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