Jun 8, 2008

Surprising things that sell on eBay

As I mentioned previously, A Full Cup is one of my new resources in The Drugstore Game. While reading posts there, I happened upon this thread, which reports that the following items that people normally throw out actually sell on eBay:
Who knew?


Tara @ Deal Seeking Mom said...

Oh my goodness...who knew? We go through at least 4 boxes of Capri Suns a week in the summertime. I guess I'll have to start saving them up and listing them!!! And baby D will be starting solids soon. You've just given me some great ideas for adding to our vacation fund. Thanks!

Life With Five

FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

Uh say WHAT?

... Holy cow.

Mercedes said...

Yeah! I am going to have to start saving egg cartons! that's too funny but you know someone's trash and someone else's treasure...

Anonymous said...

Great tip!

Clean ClutterFree Simple said...

wow! That's amazing. I've seen those Capri Sun bags on etsy.com though, and they're kind of cute. Not my style though.

Robyn said...

We like buying coupons.

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Chief Family Officer said...

@Tara - Come back and tell us how much your items sold for - I'm so curious!

@Mercedes - You too :)