May 27, 2008

Some random food-related links

If you've read CFO for any length of time, you've probably gathered that I love to cook. When I am stressed, I head for the kitchen (where, admittedly, I eat as I cook). When Marc takes the boys out and gives me an hour to myself, I head for the kitchen and cook undisturbed (albeit in a rush, as I try to whip out my dishes and clean the kitchen before the boys get home). So here are some random food-related links:
  • Yesterday, Marc kindly took the boys to a museum and I promptly headed to the kitchen to make my favorite macaroni and cheese (which we had for dinner tonight) and this Easy and Yummy Cake from Thrifty Mommy. I used a box of yellow cake mix, which I had gotten a while ago when it was inexpensive (on sale and with a coupon, of course!). Following a comment on this Chowhound thread, I added a small box of vanilla pudding mix to the cake mix, then combined the mixes with 3/4 cup milk, 3/4 cup canola oil, and 4 eggs. I didn't bother putting anything on top of the whipped topping, since many people (including me) hate coconut. Chocolate shavings would have looked nice and been delicious but I didn't have time to shave the chocolate. I delivered the cake to the boys' teachers today, so I didn't get to try the cake myself. But the teachers raved about it, and the cake was so easy, I'm definitely making it again!
  • One of my favorite food blogs to read is French Laundry at Home, where Carol Blymire writes about making every recipe in chef Thomas Keller's The French Laundry Cookbook. She's made some amazing (and amazingly disturbing) foods, but none compares to the pig's head in this post. Let's just say that I don't think I could eat meat if I were a butcher or farmer. Click through at your own peril.
  • Finally, head over to What's That Smell? for a chance to win a $10 Starbucks giftcard.


Kimberly Grabinski said...

Thanks for blogging about our giveaway!

ThriftyMommy said...

Thanks for the link love. I'm glad you enjoyed the cake. Funny you mentioned the pudding. I had actually thought about putting pudding in mine, but I didn't have any. I'll have to try it next time. I did buy some more condensed milk and cool whip today. Yummm!