May 18, 2008

More on Kaboost + a high chair/booster mat tip

A couple of weeks ago, I reviewed the fantastic chair booster called Kaboost. I wanted to show you what it looks like on our dining chair:

Jennifer of Furore and Frenzy might recognize the mat it's sitting on. It's the largest office chair mat I could find at Staples, after reading the best tip I've ever gotten from Parents magazine (which is saying something, since I've picked up quite a few good ones). The chair mat is so much easier to clean than the flimsy high chair mats you find in the baby section.

I also wanted to share a couple of videos about the Kaboost. The first one is a simple demo video showing you how the Kaboost works:

The second video is a cute one showing the mom at table level:


adrienne said...

Hi Cathy-

We bought a Kaboost based on your earlier mention. Our 2.75 year-old was out of his booster (thanks to protest) but a total wiggleworm in a standard chair.

He adores the Kaboost and sits quite contentedly now.

Thanks for the great tip!

Gina @ MoneywiseMoms said...

I'm wondering how a true wiggleworm (and I have TWO of those) wouldn't just fall off the chair, and since it's higher, then they'd hit the floor from a larger height than they currently do? I'm not trying to be a snark, I'm truly curious. My girls are terrible in their highchairs but much worse in the regular chairs where they have "freedom."

Melissa said...

I am going to have to keep the Kaboost in mind for when my youngest is out of the booster chair.
I have to completely agree that the office mat under the chair is one of the best tips I have ever read, I think I got it from PARENTS too. It totally saved us when we were in an apartment with a carpeted dining area.

Chief Family Officer said...

@Adrienne - Wonderful! I'm so glad Ranger likes it.

@Gina - If you don't feel that you *have* to do the straps on the booster, then the child is probably ready for the Kaboost. It's not an official "test" but it's the one I would use. So, for example, I wouldn't put Tyler in a Kaboost yet.

@Melissa - I love Parents! And stay tuned - one of the giveaways to celebrate CFO's Third Anniversary will be a Kaboost!