Jan 2, 2008

Readers solve my problem with a simple solution: A timer

Invariably, when I ask a question here, I get such thoughtful, helpful answers from you all reading out there, and it makes me so happy to be a part of this wonderful online community. Actually, this last time, I wasn't even asking a question. I was just sharing my second financial resolution for 2008, which is passing up great deals on things I don't need. I gave the example of a fancy rice cooker that was nearly 70% off and had a timer, a feature I've found myself wanting.

Jenn from Frugal Upstate and Tracy both (brilliantly) suggested that I simply plug my current rice cooker into a timer like this one.

It turns out I didn't even have to go out and buy one. We haven't used them in years, but Marc and I did use some once upon a time to turn our lights on when we went on extended vacations. Marc even found one that was still in its package. It now has a happy home in my kitchen! Thanks, Jenn and Tracy!


Jenn @ Frugal Upstate said...

I am so glad that this works for you!

SavingDiva said...

Wow! I never thought of that! I don't have a timer or a rice cooker, but it would be nice for other items.

Ann @TheAssetEdge said...

Oh, I never would have thought about this - what a great idea! I think I'll use this with the crockpot too. Thanks!