Oct 26, 2015

Reflections on The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The real magic of tidying

I've been reading the best-seller The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and implementing the "KonMari Method" described. It's so fascinating that I'm turning my thoughts about it into a series of posts. Note: This post contains affiliate links that help support this site at no additional cost to you. Thank you for clicking through them! You can read CFO's full disclosure here.

Reflections on the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up | Chief Family Officer

Throughout the book, the author often mentions that once her clients have implemented the KonMari method, they go on to improve their lives in other ways. In particular, she mentions clients who lost weight and clients who started pursuing their dream jobs.

As I read these anecdotes, they had the ring of truth, but it wasn't until after I was really in the throes of the KonMari method myself that I realized why:
The process of asking yourself "Does this spark joy?" is also a way of saying to yourself, I care about what brings me joy, what makes me happy matters, and *I* matter.
Once you place value on what you care about, you'll naturally want to take care of yourself.

And that truly is life-changing.

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