Locals, have you noticed? Los Angeles banned plastic bags in stores effective January 1. We customers now have to bring our own bags or buy bags in store.
I have to admit, I'm a little sad because I'm a huge bag re-user. Plastic bags get used in the kitchen to collect waste on the countertop - it's more efficient than constantly walking over to the trash can, and it's also nice to have a double barrier of plastic on anything wet. Plastic bags also get used to collect muddy cleats after games, and so on. Paper bags get used to give stuff away all the time - whether to a friend, or donate to the Salvation Army or Goodwill, etc. I'm going to miss those free bags!
But, I understand the motivation behind the plastic bag ban, and we already have more reusable bags than one family needs. The trick is remembering to bring the bags into the store. So here are some tips to make that happen:
1. Keep bags in your car. Unless you usually bike to the store, in which case you should bundle up the bags and keep them in your basket. To help remember to put the bags back in the car, get in the habit of leaving them by the door once they're empty, so you seen them on your way out.
2. Keep extra bags in the car. You will, inevitably, forget to take the bags back to the car. So have enough bags that you always have a couple of extra bags in the car, even after your biggest regular shopping trip.
3. Put some bags in your coupon bag or purse. Some reusable bags come with a nifty feature that allows them to become super compact. I have one that folds up and zips into a tidy little square, and a couple with a built-in strap and snap {similar to what's on a folding umbrella}. These types of bags are great for keeping in your purse, for those occasions when you forget to take a bag out of the trunk, although they won't be enough for a big shopping trip. And they won't really help someone who doesn't carry a bag while shopping, unless you get in the habit of keeping one in your pocket!
4. Leave your cart near the registers or at customer service. If you realize while shopping that you forgot your bags in the car, just ask a cashier or someone at the customer service desk to keep an eye on your cart while you run out to the car for your bags.
5. Have everything put in your cart, then fill your bags at the car. If you don't realize you've forgotten your bags until you're already being rung up, ask the clerk to put all of your unbagged items into the cart. You can fill your bags when you get to your car, and then return the cart as usual. Or, if you don't mind leaving the register while your items are being rung up, make a quick run out to your car as soon as you realize you forgot your bags. {But many couponers like to keep an eagle eye on the register, so the first alternative gives you that option.}
How do you remember your reusable bags?
Image via FreeDigitalPhotos.net by kraifreedom.
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