Aug 12, 2012

Menu Plan Monday: Week of 8/13/2012

I'm really appreciating having a monthly menu plan, because it helps me work out a more balanced menu for my family. I have new weekly goals that are easier to incorporate when I plan out the whole month: one Japanese meal, one seafood meal, and one meal with freezable leftovers that will pack well for school lunches (which I've marked with an asterisk). So here's what's on tap this week:

Monday - Breakfast: pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruit

Tuesday - BBQ Meatballs*, Butterhorns, some kind of vegetable

Wednesday - Roast chicken, flatbread, garlic sauce, salad

Thursday - Sardine Cauliflower Pasta

Friday - Miso chicken, rice, some kind of vegetable

Saturday - {not sure of our plans yet, but there's always burgers}

Sunday - Dinner out

See more weekly menus at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

1 comment:

Rona said...

I'm stopping by for a visit from Organizing Junkie today.
It's another 107 degree day in Las Vegas. Man! Am I looking forward to cooler temps. Unfortunately, we don't usually start cooling down till late September or October.
Your menu for the week sounds delicious! Now, I know what a butterhorn is!