May 2, 2011

Menu Plan Monday: I have to bake in the heat!

I had that fabulously productive baking day on Friday, but I have to contribute something to a school event on this week, which means I have to bake in 90+ degree weather. When I have to bake in the heat, I try to make a bunch of things at once and turn the oven on no more than once a week, so I'll also plan on making corncake (thanks for the suggestion, Brandy!), coffee cake, cinnamon rolls and pop tarts too. But we'll still have to eat "real" food for dinner :)

Monday - Beef tacos with the fixings (lettuce, cheese, etc.)

Tuesday - Grilled pizza (so I don't have to turn on the oven), salad

Wednesday - Tuna Pasta Salad, served over lettuce

Thursday - Roast chicken (in the slow cooker, not the oven), flat bread, mashed potatoes, garlic sauce

Friday - Chicken nachos, salad

Saturday - Breakfast (waffles, eggs, bacon or sausage)

Sunday - Dinner out

See more weekly menus at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

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