I have been meaning to let you know that Musselman's is once again joining the fight against breast cancer by partnering with the National Breast Cancer Foundation in their mission to raise awareness of breast cancer through education and by providing mammograms to those in need. Throughout the month of January, Musselman's will donate 10¢ to the foundation for every package of Musselman's Natural and Healthy Picks Apple Sauce purchased. They hit the $85,000 mark last year, and hope to surpass it this year.
The boys and I have enjoyed every flavor of Musselman's applesauce that we've tried, and I love the special pink packaging that Musselman's comes out with for the National Breast Cancer Foundation promo campaign. The individual cups of applesauce are great in school lunches and even brown bag lunches (which are a great way to save money!). Keep your eyes open on the packaging too, as I have found coupons on the inside of the cardboard that holds the individual cups together.
And of course, applesauce makes a great substitution in baking - a good rule of thumb is to substitute half of the oil in the recipe for applesauce. Keeping some of the oil helps to maintain the desired consistency while still reducing the amount of fat. Also, commercial mixes are pretty forgiving, for lack of a better word, so you can try using applesauce when baking with them.
I recently tried this Whole Wheat Applesauce Bread that was awesome with Musselman's Apple Butter. If you have any great applesauce recipes, I'd love to see them!
Disclosure: Musselman's sent me some of the pink package applesauce and materials to facilitate this post. Any opinions are my own. Read the full CFO disclosure policy here.
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