Nov 8, 2010

Menu Plan Monday: I need an easy week!

The way our schedule is shaping up this week, it looks like I'm going to need a week of super fast and easy meals. The most important thing is going to be taking some time to do prep work for the week, as my dinner prep goes so much faster if my veggies are already cut and if possible, cooked. Hopefully I'll manage to squeeze in some time for that today. Here's the plan:

Monday - Ground Beef Shepherd's Pie (recipe to come), using refrigerated mashed potatoes that I was asked to review; steamed broccoli

Tuesday - Roasted Cauliflower & Sardine Pasta, artisan bread

Wednesday - Mushroom Quesadillas, Roasted Garlicky & Buttered Butternut Squash (recipe to come)

Thursday - Roasted Whole Chicken, tortillas, hummus, vegetable from the farmer's market

Friday - Chicken Croquettes (recipe to come depending on how they turn out), using the other flavor of mashed potatoes that I was asked to review, vegetable from the farmer's market

Saturday - Leftovers, or possibly a date night :)

Sunday - Dinner out

See more weekly menus at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

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