About ten years ago, I saw personal coach Cheryl Richardson on The Oprah Winfrey Show, and I liked what she had to say, so I bought her book, Take Time for Your Life.The book really introduced me to the concept of what Richardson calls "extreme self-care" - in essence, taking care of and nurturing yourself before you do anything else. It has to be a priority, and if you're in a good place and happy with life, it's easier to get all the other stuff done - to be a good spouse, a good parent, a good person, etc.
Lately, I've felt like I haven't been taking very good care of myself, so this week was about changing that. It's not that easy, given all of my obligations. But I've cut back on my blogging time, and have been spending that time on the treadmill and doing other things that are regenerating. I'm not quite to my happy place yet but I'm closer to it than I was a week ago.
I'll have a roundup post on Sunday, but I wanted to point out Shannon's post about blogging over at Rocks In My Dryer because I really related to it. I do struggle with figuring out what's worth sharing and what's not. I'm definitely not going anywhere, but bear with me as I try to find more balance in my life!
Thanks, Adrienne!
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