Jan 17, 2009

How You Tube helped me clear my desk

One of my 2007 holiday gifts was a Tetris Cube.It's basically a complicated puzzle: a bunch of different sized blocks that you dump out and then have to fit back together into a cube.

It seemed like a good idea at the time - I love the original Tetris and still play it on my Gameboy. (I know, some of you are gasping in horror and some of you are wondering what Tetris is, but I know some of you must understand. ;) )

The Tetris Cube completely defeated me, though. I would come close, and have just one or two pieces sticking out, but I could never quite solve it. The pieces sat on my desk for over a year, taunting me.

Finally, I gave up. I cheated. And I found this fabulous video that showed me exactly how to solve the puzzle. Which is now tucked away in the closet!


Anonymous said...

You have received The Lemonade Award! Thank you for sharing your money saving savvy with us!

Unknown said...

I'm right there with you as a Tetris fan. My husband still has his old game boy with the tetris game he had as a child and I was thrilled to come across it in a box of his old things. :)

Unknown said...

I'm right there with you as a Tetris fan. My husband still has his old game boy with the tetris game he had as a child and I was thrilled to come across it in a box of his old things. :)