Instead, I affix a small piece of masking tape to each container and write the appropriate child's name on it. When I'm doing dishes at night, I simply pull the tape off and put the container in the dishwasher. Masking tape comes right off and there's no residue, plus one roll lasts for over a year - Alex has been in daycare for about three years, and I'm just finishing up my second roll of tape.
The masking tape works great on any plastic container that goes in the fridge, too. But it tends to peel off in the freezer so I don't recommend it for that.
Find more Works for Me Wednesday tips at Rocks in My Dryer.
A year and a half ago when my son was born, my mother-in-law gave me a pack of 250 "Ethan" stickers. "What in the world am I going to do with 250 stickers that say 'Ethan' or 'E'?" I thought to myself. Then he started going to preschool. Believe it or not masking tape does survive the dishwasher at least 10-15 runs and I simply tape the stickers onto his belonging and seal them with tape. Works like a charm and I am not even half way through the pack!
I do something similar. I use clear packing tape and fold one end over so I can peel the tape off easier. I use this to mark dishes that go into school, items stored, and things used in a group.
@Bridgette - You know, I think I have a pack of "Alex" stickers that someone gave me, I should look for them!
@Barb - Hm, that's a neat idea too, thanks!
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