When Alex was a baby, he had an amazingly full head of hair and at six months, he had his first hair cut at SuperCuts. It was fine, but each time we went back, he'd be more difficult. Finally, we decided that we might as well just cut his hair at home. So now
And when he's done, I use a little baby powder to get the little hairs off the boys' bodies. It works much better than a towel, paper towel, or tissue, and is easy to clean up. I still whisk them into the bath as soon as Marc is done, but I don't have little boys screaming that their skin itches while I'm getting the bath ready. No screaming? That works for me!
Find more Works For Me Wednesday tips at Rocks in my Dryer.
Great tip! We also use the baby powder at the beach. At clean up, rinse off as usual, wrap in towel, run to car. Before anyone gets in, powder the hands and feet. Have the kids rub their own feet and watch the itchy sand flake away without the regular burn. It keeps more sand at the beach than in the car and the feet don't burn from the sandy salt water!
@Allie - Great idea! Thank you, that's what we'll do next summer!
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