Feb 17, 2008

The Price of Eggs

One thing Meredith and I talked about during our interview was the price of eggs. I was shocked to learn that the dozen I bought for $1.19 would go for more than $1.95 in her part of the country.

Well, when I went to Trader Joe's this week, I found myself in front of the egg case with two other women. All of us stared at the pricing sign, which now said:


Daizy said...

I've always wanted to own a chicken. I wonder if they can be house trained...

MCM Voices said...

When I read your previous post, I was just recovering from Trader Joe's sticker shock myself! Had paid $1.19 for a dozen eggs less than a week earlier and the next time, $1.70 or thereabouts. The dream had ended. I wondered if this was about to happen to you too! What in the world - did the hens just join the union? And alas, even if you decide to raise non-union chickens, it won't be cheep (oops!).

Anonymous said...

We've started buying cage-free, organic eggs and are paying $3.49/dozen for them in central Maryland. Even "regular" eggs are $1.95/dozen. I'm presuming it's partly due to the ethanol that uses corn because I think - though I don't know - that corn is part of what they eat.

Anonymous said...

I was certainly wondering how you were getting eggs for such a low price. Eggs have been at least $1.90 around here for a LONG time. Organic, free-range eggs run $3.50 per dozen and up. Even the staples are getting out of hand now.

Anonymous said...

I used to buy organic eggs at TJ's for 3.29 but I think the price raised to 3.69. I now buy their free range brown eggs for 2.69.

Not sure if egg prices are jumping everywhere but TJ's a few months ago decided to stop carrying caged eggs (where the birds are caged) so I think that might account partly for their raised prices.

Kris said...

They're pushing $2.30 in NYC, with TJ's going for $1.69 or $1.79. They were $1.40 a year ago. What happened?

Anonymous said...

I've been surprised at how expensive eggs have gotten for us. I used to be able to buy them around $1.00 a couple of years ago. Now unless I find a special, there going for 1.65. Yikes!

Clean ClutterFree Simple said...

Grocery store price today was $2.69 a dozen! I'm in the NW US, btw. I decided to hold off until I make this week's Costco run, where I hope I can still get 5 dozen for less than $1.75 a dozen. They were $1.57 the last time I bought eggs at Costco, which was about three weeks ago...

Clean ClutterFree Simple said...

Oh, and for those pondering chickens. We had them. After paying for the food, the oyster shell mix for extra calcium, we weren't saving much! And, what a hassle to have to get a chicken sitter. Plus, in an urbanish setting (house, but in a busy area with small lots), not much space for roaming. Chicken poop=smelly!