Jul 30, 2007

Get Off Your Butt and Take Control of Your Finances!

A couple of my favorite personal finance bloggers highlighted Liz Pulliam Weston's article, The big lie about credit card debt. What got my attention was the study she quoted. One of the study's findings was that
Americans dislike the card they have . . . but don’t search for a new one. Over half of credit card owners feel they are living with a card that’s not right for them. Yet, they don’t like any of their options for finding a new one. Americans are universally dismissive of the offers they receive in the mail, with nearly 90 percent saying they shred the promotional offers or throw them away. Only one in five has actively searched online for the credit card best suited to their needs. Worse, Americans admit that they spend more time comparison-shopping for everything from electronics to cell phone plans than they do reviewing credit card enrollment terms.
I find these results so sad and infuriating because it's so easy nowadays to find information on just about anything related to personal finance. I'm not sure how you get someone who isn't interested in helping themselves to help themselves, though.

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