May 29, 2007

Personal Parent Hacks Part 3

My previous parent hacks are here and here.
  • If your children's artwork is starting to take over your house because you can't bear to toss them, consider scanning them. You'll then have a digital version of the art without needing to set aside an entire room to house the masterpieces. We keep our favorites and give the rest to the grandparents and great-grandparents.
  • The next step up from the last hack is to create an image that combines several "lesser" pieces to make them more interesting. :)
  • If (like me) you don't like using permanent marker on your child's cups and containers (I have to label everything that Alex takes to daycare), use a small piece of painter's masking tape as a label. It will peel off easily and is very inexpensive. A $1 roll lasted for over a year and a half. (The masking tape is also great for labeling containers you put in the fridge or freezer.)

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