Jul 8, 2005

Congratulations From The White House

I think this is pretty cool: Apparently, the White House will send a note of congratulations on your baby's birth. Send your baby's name, address, and birth date to:

White House Greetings Office
Room 39
Washington, D.C., 20500

I'm going to do that today.


Rick said...

You can also register/apply online at https://app1.whitehouse.gov/greetings/home. You can also request greetings for marriages, birthdays (80th and later), and anniversaries (50th and later).

Chief Family Officer said...

Rick, that's awesome info. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I did this a few months back. Does anyone know how long I imght expect to wait for the "congratulations" letter to arrive?

Chief Family Officer said...

@Anon - I got mine months later - enough that when it first arrived, I didn't even remember sending away for it. You could always send a second request though :)