Jun 7, 2005


These days, my dominant identity is "new mom." My son was born in March and I've been home taking care of him since. But I'm still holding onto my identity as a wife and as an attorney also. I'll go back to work in a few months, but right now this blog will be my "project" during nap times.

I'll share recipes, nutrition tips, money-saving and financial planning tips, my experiences getting pregnant and being a mom, and just about anything else. I love to cook and have had a recipe published in Cooking Light Magazine. I handle our family finances and love finding ways to save money while still maintaining a comfortable lifestyle. I had two miscarriages, extreme morning sickness, an emergency C-section, tremendous breastfeeding difficulties, and post-partum depression.

Right now I'm trying to find a balance being a wife, mother, lawyer, and plain old me. Although I'm months away from going back to work, I wonder if my heart will be in it or if I'll feel guilty because I'm enjoying my time away from my baby. My husband and I are doing well, but finding couple time and alone time is tough. And I've changed since becoming a mother. I hope that you will find this blog helpful in many ways. And I hope that I'll find that balance I'm looking for.

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