Jun 8, 2005

About Chief Family Officer

Updated 9/28/21

Welcome to ChiefFamilyOfficer.com. I'm Cathy, and I'm happily married and the mom of two boys ages 4 and 6. In September 2010, I quit my full-time job as an attorney to become a work-at-home blogger mom. It was a scary big step, but one we had been working toward for years, and I'm happy we did it.

I started Chief Family Officer back in 2005, a few months after my oldest son was born. I was on maternity leave and my husband suggested that I might enjoy blogging. He was right! I've loved blogging from the moment I started, although my blogging style has certainly evolved over the years.

My favorite topics to discuss are saving money, family finances, parenting and cooking. I publish new posts every day, and while I talk about what's going on in my life, my great hope is that you'll be able to relate to what I'm discussing and gain something from reading about my experiences. I love the comments that readers leave, because they teach me and add so much to the discussion. I hope you'll join in, too.

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You can contact me at cfoblog [at] gmail [dot] com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been checking out your site for sometime know and just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work.